Album Info Lockup
James Detwiler
This happened on my iPad mini 6, PadOS 17.3.1, portrait orientation. From the album wall, I long-pressed the top-right album to try out the album info feature. A window began to appear, then vanished. After that, Longplay was locked up, I couldn’t click anything, nothing was responsive. I killed the app and reopened it. Now I was able to get info on the album. About five minutes later, it happened again, same album, vanishing window, total lockup.
I did some experiments: To reproduce every time, go into settings gear, click Done, then try to do album info, and it locks up every time.
Adrian Schönig
This is fixed in 2.2.2, which is now available.
Adrian Schönig
in progress
Figured out the issue. Will be fixed in 2.2.2.
Adrian Schönig
under review
Much appreciated for those steps to reproduce. I thought I had fixed that but it happened to me again the other day. I'm on it.