Option to order albums by artist then year
Amethyst Reese
I like the Orderliness option, but it sorts albums from the same artist by name. I personally prefer to sort within an artist by year, so that I can more easily play them in their release order.
Adrian Schönig
This has been improved in 2.2.6 by automatically fetching release year information from Apple Music, which means it should no longer necessary to run that Shortcut.
Adrian Schönig
This has been improved in 2.2.6 by automatically fetching release year information from Apple Music, which means it should no longer necessary to run that Shortcut.
Adrian Schönig
This has been added in 2.2.
There's a caveat which is that the release year information is not populated automatically on iOS. I've added a Shortcut for it which can be found in 2.2.1 in Settings > Siri & Shortcuts > "Populate Release Years". You can set/overwrite the year manually via long-tap on Album > Get Info. And it also syncs from the Mac app (currently in Early Access).
Amethyst Reese
Adrian Schönig I've run the example shortcut, but the iOS app still doesn't seem to account for release year when using the "orderliness" mode. Eg, the Daft Punk albums are sorted by title rather than release year, and I don't see an option in app settings to change that. The Mac app does have them ordered by year as expected. Using v2.2.1 for iOS and v0.5 for macOS.
Adrian Schönig
Amethyst Reese: Hmm, let's see if we can get track this down.
Do you get the "Release" sort order in the app? Does that look right?
Do you see the release year on those albums if you long tap the albums on iOS?
Can you see if the reported Metadata counts line up on iOS (Settings > Stats) and macOS (Settings > Maintenance)?
Does a pull-to-refresh in the iOS app or toggling to another sort order and back to Orderliness help?
Adrian Schönig
Amethyst Reese: One more: What do you have selected on iOS in Settings > Sorting > Orderliness? I just noticed that the release year might not make it into the "Albums like Music app" sorting.
Amethyst Reese
> Do you get the "Release" sort order in the app? Does that look right?
> Do you see the release year on those albums if you long tap the albums on iOS?
> Can you see if the reported Metadata counts line up on iOS (Settings > Stats) and macOS (Settings > Maintenance)?
yes, all numbers are identical between the two
> Does a pull-to-refresh in the iOS app or toggling to another sort order and back to Orderliness help?
No and no
> One more: What do you have selected on iOS in Settings > Sorting > Orderliness? I just noticed that the release year might not make it into the "Albums like Music app" sorting.
That's the key it seems. I was on "like music app", but switching it to "A-Z" produces the ordering I expected. Thank you :)
Adrian Schönig
in progress
This is coming in 2.2
Adrian Schönig
Fully agree.
Apple Music has the data, but it's not available the way Longplay currently accesses the music library on iOS.
I'm planning to look into alternative ways to fetch this.
(Short term the in-progress macOS app does it the "correct" way already, and I'll look into how to sync it from there to iOS.)
Myke Atkinson
Adrian Schönig: If you end up getting this data, the ability to sort by release date globally would be excellent.